Private Lessons

12 products

12 products
Want to learn something new or hone an existing skill? Private lessons may be for you. Choose from a variety of techniques. Lessons are scheduled individually with our teacher. You will receive an automated email from us to ask about when you are available and what, specifically, you are wanting to learn. The email will be from teachers at fiber rhythm dot com so please add that to your safe senders list. Also, if you are purchasing for someone else, please let us know via the order comments/notes or give us a call so that we can match up the purchase with the correct student. Thanks!
Fiber Rhythm Craft & Design Multi-Shaft Weaving on a Table Loom
Multi-Shaft Weaving on a Table Loom Lessons
Susan Plack
Fiber Rhythm Craft & Design Rigid Heddle Weaving
Rigid Heddle Weaving Lessons
Susan Plack
Fiber Rhythm Craft & Design Wheel Spinning Lessons
Wheel Spinning Lessons
Susan Plack
Fiber Rhythm Craft & Design Machine Knitting (flat bed) Lessons
Machine Knitting (flat bed) Lessons
Dawn Seymour
Fiber Rhythm Craft & Design Circular Sock Machine Lessons
Circular Sock Machine Lessons
Dawn Seymour
Fiber Rhythm Craft & Design Spindle Spinning Lessons
Spindle Spinning Lessons
Susan Plack
Knitting with Dawn
Dawn Seymour
Knitting with Susan
Susan Plack
Fiber Rhythm Craft & Design Crochet Lessons
Crochet Lessons with Susan
Susan Plack
Fiber Rhythm Craft & Design Weaving (Hourly) Lessons
Weaving with Susan (Hourly) Lessons
Susan Plack
Fiber Rhythm Craft & Design Spinning (Hourly) Lessons
Spinning (Hourly) Lessons
Susan Plack
Fiber Rhythm Craft & Design Beginning Needle Felting Lessons
Beginning Needle Felting Lessons
Susan Plack
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