Craft Space Membership

Please note: Memberships are currently on hold. If you would like to become a member, please contact us.

Are you finding that your creative spirit wants to spend more time making but you don't have the space or equipment? Are you looking for the fellowship of other crafters? Join our Craft Space Membership!

Craft Space members have free access to the following during regular business hours:

* The conference style table (when classes are not in session) - work on your project, chat with other crafters.
* The Craft Reference Library and vintage patterns - get inspired from years gone by. 
* The electronic cone winder - prepare your yarn the right way for knitting machines (carboard cones extra).
* The bobbin winder - great for weavers (bring your own bobbins).

Only Members will have access to Craft Space Equipment Rentals by the hour. This allows you more flexibility when finding times that meet your schedule. The rates for members are 10% off the equivalent hourly rate for non-members. (Non-members must sign up for a minimum of 2 hours or 4 hours, depending on the equipment.)

Members will receive a 5% discount on yarn and fiber (exclusive of our consignment artist yarns). Not combinable with other discounts.

Craft Space Rentals include:

* Silver Reed SK280 Knitting Machine
* Silver Reed LK150 Knitting Machine
* Erlbacher Gearhart Circular Sock Machine - Speedster
* Drum Carder
* Sewing Machine
* Cricut Explore Air 2
* Hague Linker - Hand crank

Equipment must be signed up for in advance of use.
Extending your usage the same day as your rental is allowed if no one else has it reserved.
Times available are during our regular store hours.
You can cancel or suspend your membership at any time


Shipping calculated at checkout.


Enter code SHPR23 in the contact form.

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